Borders and Globalization in Hispanophone Cultures
This is an inquiry-driven language course designed to enable "learners to gain access to new ways of being [...] through language-based social action and interaction” (Byrnes 2007 4-5). I envision learners as active participants in the creation of a learning community whose knowledge construction emerges from practices such as reading aloud in a textual community and performing textual analysis using transpositional grammar and visual culture methodologies.
Sample of student work
Student Perspectives: Interview with Karla Perdomo Núñez, published in Acentos (Spanish & Portuguese Department Bulletin, Spring 2023)
Course Design Bibliography
Barnes-Karol, Gwendolyn and Maggie A. Broner. “Engaging Students in Critical Thinking in and through a Foreign Language: It Can Be Done!” Profession
Byrnes, Heidi. "Constructing Curricula in Foreign Language Departments.” Learning Foreign and Second Languages: Perspectives in Research and Scholarship. Ed. Heidi Byrne. MLA, 1998.
Byrnes, Heidi, Heather Weger-Guntharp, and Katherine A. Sprang, eds. Educating for Advanced Foreign Language Capacities: Constructs, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2007.
Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis, eds. A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Learning by Design.  NY: Palgrave, 2015.
Flores Guerrero, David. The Importance and Impact of Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking in Higher Education. Zona prox. [online]. 2016, n.24, pp. 128-135.
Grunert O'Brien, Judith, Barbara J. Millis, and Margaret W. Cohen. The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008.
Katopodis, Christina and Cathy N. Davidson. “Changing Our Classrooms to Prepare Students for a Challenging World.” Profession, Fall 2019.​​​​​​​
Leaver, Betty Lou and Boris Shekhtman, eds. Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.
Paesani Kate, Heather Willis Allen, and Beatrice Dupuy. Eds. Judith Liskin-Gasparro, Manuel Lacorte. A Multiliteracies Framework for Collegiate Foreign Language Teaching. Boston: Pearson, 2016.
Mickan, Peter and Ilona Wallace, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design. Abingdom: Routledge, 20202. Routledge Handbooks Online.
Selingo, Jeffrey J. The New Generation of Students: How Colleges Can Recruit, Teach, and Serve Gen Z. Washington D.C.: The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc., 2018.
Wiggins, Grant P., and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. 2nd ed., Pearson, 2005.
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