My approach to language teaching is informed by Janet Swaffar's proposal that "Foreign language departments must set their sights on using a foreign language to learn." She observes that if a department's goal is conceived as merely helping students to learn the language, "we leave ourselves open to accusations that language teaching is remedial instruction better conducted under auspices other than the university." In practice, this means that the courses and course materials I design foster language learning through the learning of culture and thought. The latter implies understanding other cultures' through the study of a broad range of authentic cultural productions.
Below are samples of presentations and handouts I created for language courses in various levels.
Advanced Spanish: Handout Introducing Multimodal Reading Approach
Advanced Spanish: Learning to Read with Care. Student Reading Journal
1rst-semester Spanish: Cultural Approaches to Higher Education: The UNAM and Yale University
4th-Semester Spanish: The Anthropocene and the Non-Human
3rd-Semester Spanish: thinking about the Environment Through Sound & Comics
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